Monday, February 1, 2016


Many of you have probably heard the recent controversy over the 2016 Oscar nominees consisting of all white actors and actresses. Being this the second year in a row that nominations have consisted of all white nominees, controversy has started to arise. Many big actors and actresses have come fourth to speak about the seemingly racial nominations including Will Smith and wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, Laurence Fishburne, Spike Lee, Danny DeVito and many more; even including President Obama. Many of the actors and actresses including Lee and the Smith’s are boycotting the event by refusing to attend the prestigious award show. The boycotting quickly multiplied in size over various social media sites and the hash tag #OscarsSoWhite was even created and used widely.

Some people may be thinking why does this matter? Besides the obvious point of the nominations being seemingly racist, it is because in the words of the LATimes, “film is art, and art matters.” When Obama spoke about the issue he mentioned how it is important to let everyones stories be told, because it makes for better art. He continues on to say that the industry should give opportunity to everyone because it will make more people feel recognized and connect. On his final note he reads, this Oscars debate is one of the many expressions of a broader issue which is, are we giving everybody a fair chance? Listening to Obama's points makes one wonder how are more artists supposed to become recognized if we keep sticking to celebrating only the actors and actresses that have won in the past? We all want to see people we relate to and who portray different cultures to get the recognition they deserve; and these people consist of more than the multitude of white male actors that have filled most of this years nominations. It is a lot easier for nominees to be offered acting roles than it is for those who have not, so looking at the nominations of this year, it makes one wonder how that will effect the amount of black and other cultures to receive future roles. The reason this topic is being so widely disused is because now more than ever, it is important to show and acknowledge all types of diversity and let them be recognized for their work, no matter their skin tone.

To read more about why this currently trending topic matters click here and to read more about what President Obama had to say click here

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